O Pino

8: O Pedrouzo - Santiago

Monte del Gozo

There are no churches in this last stage and there are no traces of old hospitals. Santiago is there at the reach of our hands. The Codex of Calixtus refers to the present-day Lavacolla as Lavamentula. Before entering Compostela, pilgrims used to wash themselves in this river after such a long journey because they loved the apostle so much. This water might also symbolize the purity the sufferings of the road had given to their spirits.

Primitive Route

We are not going to make the pure physical Primitive Way.
We are going through the Way letting us be influenced by the traces pilgrimage left throughout the centuries.

Primitive Route

That is why we pay a special attention to the monuments of the surroundings, which rose to impress and touch pilgrims and as a proof of the faith of pilgrims and pilgrimage


We say Camino de Santiago and automatically think of the French Way to Compostela.
But there are many other ways… People talk about eight Ways in Galicia, although there are actually so many ways as possible routes. Every one tries his Way.

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