We are not going to make the pure physical Primitive Way.
We are going through the Way letting us be influenced by the traces pilgrimage left throughout the centuries.

That is why we pay a special attention to the monuments of the surroundings, which rose to impress and touch pilgrims and as a proof of the faith of pilgrims and pilgrimage
We say Camino de Santiago and automatically think of the French Way to Compostela.
But there are many other ways… People talk about eight Ways in Galicia, although there are actually so many ways as possible routes. Every one tries his Way.
The Primitive Way was the first one, it is really ours. It was called the North Way inside but is really the Primitive Way to Compostela, the Old Way. It was the first of the ways, two centuries previous to the later called the French Way, the only operative itinerary in the first period of the Reconquest free from the Moslem invasions.
This is the oldest way of St James in the world, overlapped by an outstanding prehistoric itinerary full of fortified settlements, ‘mámoas’ and milestones of the megalithic culture, specially outstanding in the mountain ranges of El Palo, Montefurado and Hospital de Montouto as well as in the county of Mera, beyond Miño… It is an antique path used as a Roman road from Lucus Asturum to Lucus Augusti for the mining of the auriferous field of the Navia River, and Lucus Augusti from Iria Flavia through the 19th way of Antonino Caracalla’s itinerary.