The other big route of the English Way starts in the city that was considered as ‘head, guard and key of the Kingdom of Galicia’, A Coruña. It is known that already in 1434 about three thousand English pilgrims entered the port of A Coruña. In the city there were hospitals for pilgrims from Los Angeles, Santa Catalina and San Andrés. 31 Km. A Coruña
Pilgrims disembarked in El Parrote, taking Santiago Church as their first destiny It is a Romanesque church of the early 13th century, founded by King Alfonso IX. The Gothic façade, 15th century, has images of St James and St John and a magnificent rose window. The council of the city met before this church. A Coruña preserves important elements of military architecture such as the rests of the walls (16th and 17th century), St Carlos Garden, bastion that formed part of the New Fortress for defending the city, and St Anton Castle (an old island) that houses the Historical and Archaeological Museum.
As for religious architecture, Santa María del Campo Collegiate Church (12th and 13th centuries), placed in the Old City, was frequented by pilgrims to entrust themselves to the Apostle before the hard route they were undertaking. There was an absolute devotion to the Virgen del Portal in this Collegiate Church.
Regarding the modern times, we have to mention Maria Pita Square and the Town Hall (beginning of the 20th century) and its famous balconies, which made A Coruña deserve the nickname “la ciudad de cristal” (‘the glass city’). One could leave A Coruña through Eiris and Elivña fields, where the battle between the English and French armies took place in 1809. There is a monumental ‘castro’ in Elviña that preserves rests of walls, houses and wells of the Galician-Roman age. O Burgo O Burgo was manor and port of the Templars. The Romanesque three-apse Church dedicated to the Apostle Santiago. CambreIn Cambre we find Santiago de Sigrás Romanesque Church, which was restored at the beginning of the 17th century. Years ago there was a pilgrims’ lodging here.
Then, we get to St María de Cambre Romanesque Church, 12th century. It formed part of the monastery founded in the 10th century with an original ambulatory behind the high altar that allowed pilgrims a bigger nearness for prayer. It has three naves and an interesting façade. Hacia Bruma
We pass the Pazo de Anceis (17th century) and leave Carral, where there is a memorial to the martyrs that gave their life in 1846 in defence of freedom.
In A Calle, in the parish of Sarandóns, there is a plaque in a building from the 16th century reminding of King Phillip II visit in 1554. From Hospital to Bruma, both ways join towards Compostela. |